Easter eggs in December... The best Alexa Christmas commands and skills
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, there’ll be much mistletoeing, Echo smart speakers will be glowing, when loved ones are near… as you impress them with these top Alexa commands, funny responses and skills for Christmas 2024.
If you’re a fan of Alexa Easter eggs then you’ll love these festive-flavored ones. Here’s our list of the best things to ask Alexa this holiday season…
How many days until Christmas?
This one is treat within a treat as, after Alexa tells you how many days are left until the big day, she’ll ask you if you want to speak to Santa.
Everyday, the big man has a little update on what he’s been up to and you can even have a little chat with him.

Best Alexa Christmas commands
Here’s a pick of what you can ask your smart speaker around the Holidays.
(Say, “Alexa” or your chosen wake word first, obviously)
- Do you want to build a snowman?
- How ugly is your Christmas jumper?
- Open the advent calendar
- Is Santa Claus real?
- Where does Father Christmas live?
- What is Father Christmas’ address?
- How old is Santa Claus?
- What can you tell me about Santa’s reindeer?
- How many calories are in a Christmas pudding?
- Sing a Christmas carol
- Sing your new Christmas song
- What is the true meaning of Christmas?
- Who is your favorite reindeer?
- Who’s on the naughty list?
- What do you want for Christmas?
- Read ‘Twas the night before Christmas’
- I wish it could be Christmas every day
- Is Die Hard a Christmas movie?
- What’s the best Christmas movie?
- What’s the worst Christmas movie?
- How do you make a snowball?
- Do you like my Christmas tree?
- Sing Auld Lang Syne
- Happy New Year
- Ask Santa Claus if I’m naughty or nice
- How do you make eggnog?
- How do you make gingerbread cookies?
- Help me to get in the Christmas spirit
- Show me a Christmas movie (On Show or Fire TV devices)
Alexa…change the subject
If things tend to get a little fractious over Christmas this is the command for you. Amazon has helped Alexa be the peacemaker. Just say “Alexa, change the subject” and you’ll a response like one of these to help smooth things over:
“All righty, let’s change the subject. My favorite animal is the octopus. What’s your favourite animal, and why?”
“Okey dokey, let’s change the subject. Scones – jam then cream, or cream then jam? Defend your reasoning. Go!”
“Happy to help, let’s change the subject. Try taking turns answering this question: If you could have any super power, what would it be, and why?”
“Alrighty, here’s a controversial question for you to discuss: is ‘Die Hard’ a Christmas movie?”
“I’ve got a bit of a crush on Professor Brian Cox, do you have a celebrity crush?”
Best Alexa Christmas Skills
As well as the ‘hilarious’ responses to those Alexa commands, there are also some Christmas Skills for you to have a play around with too. Here’s a few of the best ones to download now. You’ll find them on the Alexa Skills Storeor simply say “Alexa, open the [skill name]”
Holiday Song Quiz
You can play this one at home with all the family, or online against an Echo owner from around the world. It’s actually pretty slick, you get points for either the song title or the artist, and bonus points if you get both. I tested it out by destroying Andrew from Bradford. Sorry, Andrew from Bradford.
Christmas: Would You Rather?
Probably not as raunchy as the version of Would you rather? that you played in the playground with your mates, but still a decent little game for young ones to get involved with on Christmas Day while you polish off your second bottle of gin.
Norad Tracks Santa
Norad are the masters of keeping tabs on the fat man as he travels round the world, breaking into people’s houses. The official tracker’s Alexa angle gives you real-time updates on Santa’s progress, including an ETA for your home, and also throws in some fun facts along the way. You can just ask Alexa where Santa is to get started on this one.
Christmas Kindness Daily
Christmas isn’t all about gin. It’s about giving and sharing, and I’m sure there’s a Christian angle in there too. This skill lets Alexa provide a random idea about how to integrate kindness into your world this holiday season – and is open for suggestions too.
Christmas Movie quiz
Disclaimer: There are only 50 questions in this multi-choice quiz. And I’ve learned them all in advance of the big day. So, if you’re reading this and you’re my wife, one of my daughters, my mum, my dad, my mother-in-law, my mother-in-law’s partner, my wife’s auntie or my wife’s auntie’s latest boyfriend… I can only apologise that I’m planning on cheating.
The Holiday Party
Left-field inclusion this one as it’s only got a slight Christmas angle – but I enjoyed playing it. You play the role of an attendee at the Codename Cygnus holiday party and your objective is to be the last spy standing.
Sleeps until Christmas?
Children asking relentlessly “is it Christmas yet?” Or are you just over-excited? This is the perfect countdown skill for the big day.
Tell me a Christmas story
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, Alexa’s spinning a Christmas yarn… that’s actually a little painful to listen to.

Control you Christmas lights with Alexa
If you are still switching your Christmas lights on and off by hand, or relying on timers, then you really should be on the big man’s naughty list.
The obvious thing is to do is put smart plugs on all of your Christmas tree and festive lights, then create some groups – maybe differentiate between indoor and outdoor, and have an overall group too.
That way, a simple, “Alexa, turn the Christmas lights on” or an “Alexa, turn the outdoor Christmas lights on” will create instant magic and save you walking around the house turning on a lot of switches.
Don’t stop there though… think big. A toy train in a North Pole scene? A giant inflatable Santa for the front porch? The possibilities are endless.